Diving Services for Survey, Inspection and NDT work
UWILD / Class Survey / Inspection and NDT work for Vessels / Barges / Floaters & Rigs.
NDT Inspection and Survey of Vessel, Rigs, Platforms, Jackets, Floaters and all offshore Structures.
Pre-Engineering Survey for the Installation and Modification of existing Platforms, Jackets and other subsea structures.
Close Visual Inspection of Rigs, Vessel, Floaters, Platforms, Jackets and all offshore Structures.
Baseline Inspection of Platforms, Jackets, Mooring chain, Cable and Pipeline.
FMD (Flooded Members Detection) and ED (Eddy Current) Inspection.
Cathodic Protection (using Anode & Paint) and Measurement using CP meter.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Alternative Current Field Measurements (ACFM) Inspection of Welds on the Platforms, Jackets, Jacob Rigs, Vessels and other Floaters.
Thickness Measurement of Plates of Subsea Structure using UT meter.